Interzoo | Interzoo Academy
Picture collage on the subject of the Interzoo Academy at Interzoo

Interzoo Academy

Information and education for the pet supplies industry in regular online courses with international experts.

Industry knowledge, current trends, challenges and market developments

The Interzoo Academy offers on-demand sessions and live events covering the most important aspects of the international pet industry. The lectures, which are generally held in English, serve as supplementary offers to the supporting programme of Interzoo, the world's leading trade fair for the pet industry, and can be accessed worldwide. The Academy programme deals with topics that have an impact on the pet industry today and developments that shape its future.

Since the launch of the platform, Academy users have been able to expand their industry knowledge in a total of 20 video sessions dealing with a broad range of topics such as the impact of the covid pandemic, marketing and digitalisation, country-specific developments and industry trends. In addition, detailed studies and market research results can be purchased in PDF format in the publications section of the Academy website.

Portrait of Dr Rowena Arzt, Director Exhibitions at Interzoo-organiser WZF
"The strength of the Interzoo Academy is to address regional aspects and specifics of individual markets as well as global topics and trends in the pet industry. To achieve this, we work with a network of worldwide experts who pass on their special knowledge tailor-made to the Academy participants’ needs.”
Dr Rowena Arzt, Head of Exhibitions / Director Interzoo Academy

Registration made easy

Due to the high internationality of its users, the Academy content is provided primarily on-demand thereby enabling all users to access the content 24/7. Registration for the individual sessions takes place at The seminars are usually held in English. In case you are interested in the upcoming programme, content and background information, make sure to subscribe for the Academy's own newsletter which will update you regularly.