Interzoo Advisory Committee
The Interzoo Advisory Committee supports the trade fair organizer WZF in topical questions and the further development of Interzoo.

Current members of the Advisory Committee
- Katharina Engling, Bunny Tierernährung GmbH (chairwoman)
- Felix Bangel, Megazoo Alpha GmbH
- Stephan Fumy, Zoofachhandel Fumy GmbH
- Konstantin Kaysser, Kaysser Heimtiernahrung GmbH
- Jörg Lefers, Allco Heimtierbedarf GmbH & Co. KG
- Axel Pinders, Dohse Aquaristik GmbH & Co. KG
- Nadine Trautwein, Hunter International GmbH

„As Chair of the Exhibition Advisory Committee, I firmly believe that the quality of Interzoo compared to other services within the pet industry remains unique. The industry needs a platform with global reach to present their products, maintain and develop business contacts - Interzoo is the ideal place for all of it."