Interzoo | Sizarol™ Complex Forte, Sizarol™ Complex Horse

Hall 4A / Booth Number 4A-540

Sizarol™ Complex Forte, Sizarol™ Complex Horse

Key Facts

  • Articles for dogs, cats, and horses
  • Healthcare, Veterinary Medicines
  • Supplements


  • Care, supplements
  • Healthcare, supplements

Key Facts

  • Articles for dogs, cats, and horses
  • Healthcare, Veterinary Medicines
  • Supplements


  • Care, supplements
  • Healthcare, supplements
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Product information

is a supplementary pet food designed to support joint function in dogs, cats, and horses. Products contain essential ingredients such as glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, manganese, and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). These components are crucial for both the prevention and therapy of degenerative joint diseases.

Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are naturally occurring chemical compounds in the body, serving as vital building blocks for cartilage. Hyaluronic acid and manganese, on the other hand, positively impact the cartilage-rebuilding process, making the joints more flexible and less susceptible to damage.

By incorporating Sizarol™ Complex Forte and Sizarol™ Complex Horse into the daily diet of animals, we provide comprehensive support for joint health. This supplementary food not only contributes to maintaining joint functionality but also aids in the regenerative processes, crucial for both preventive measures and the treatment of joint disorders. Introducing this innovative pet food into the animals' nutrition routine ensures their comfort and ability to move freely.

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