Interzoo | Guidance on regulations for pet food exports to China

Hall 10.0 / Booth Number 10-217c

Guidance on regulations for pet food exports to China

Key Facts

  • How to export pet food to China?
  • Guidance on regulations for pet supplement products exports to China
  • The process of exporting pet food to China


  • Ornamental fish
  • Food
  • Healthcare, supplements
  • Food
  • Healthcare, supplements
  • Food, treats
  • Healthcare, supplements
  • Small animals
  • Food, treats
  • Food, treats
  • Healthcare, supplements
  • Cold-water fish
  • Pond fish food
  • Wild bird seed
  • Poultry food, accessoires (hobby farming)
  • Food
  • Care, supplements
  • Product labelling
  • Raw materials, ingredients
  • E-commerce
  • Services, associations
  • Healthcare, supplements

Key Facts

  • How to export pet food to China?
  • Guidance on regulations for pet supplement products exports to China
  • The process of exporting pet food to China


  • Ornamental fish
  • Food
  • Healthcare, supplements
  • Food
  • Healthcare, supplements
  • Food, treats
  • Healthcare, supplements
  • Small animals
  • Food, treats
  • Food, treats
  • Healthcare, supplements
  • Cold-water fish
  • Pond fish food
  • Wild bird seed
  • Poultry food, accessoires (hobby farming)
  • Food
  • Care, supplements
  • Product labelling
  • Raw materials, ingredients
  • E-commerce
  • Services, associations
  • Healthcare, supplements
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Product information

Pet Food exporting to China, there are two mandatory official requirements:

1. GACC registration, which is required for the manufacturer. GACC is short for General Administration of Customs, P.R.China.

2. MARA (or MOA) License, it is required upon the product. MARA is short for Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China;

  • General Administration of Customs, P.R.C: Access and Registration

    1). Checking if the exported pet food product from origin countries / regions is approved by GACC.

    2). Overseas manufacturing enterprise need to be registered at GACC.

  • MARA registration: Evaluation, Compliance and Registration

    1). Evaluate whether the exported pet food conform to the MARA’s related regulations. The exported pet food shall note use ingredients excluded in the catalogue of feed raw materials and the catalogue of feed additives. The application of feed additives should comply with the “Standard for the Safe Use of Feed Additives” and other provisions.

    2). Assist overseas enterprises to comply with relevant laws and regulations, offer compliance guidance;

    3). Entrusted by the manufacturing enterprise to obtain the Registered License issued by MARA.

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Product Expert


Tina GE

Business Manager +86 13041097750