Interzoo | Cuddon Freeze Dry
Cuddon Freeze Dry auf der Interzoo

Hall 4 / Booth Number 4-629

Cuddon Freeze Dry


Global leaders in manufacturing of quality commercial freeze dryers.

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We offer

  • Processing technology
  • Processing machinery
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20 McArtney Street
7201 Blenheim
New Zealand

About us

Cuddon Freeze Dryer manufactures a range of commercial conductive batch freeze dryers that is well proven throughout the world, drying multiple products across a range of industries. Designed and built in Blenheim, New Zealand, the Cuddon Freeze Dry offering is a turnkey solution whereby the freeze dryer is manufactured to specification, key equipment factory acceptance tested prior to shipping, shipped, installed and commissioned, with training included - for a single price.

Our range of ‘standard freeze dryers’ including our new General Purpose CO₂ (GPC) range and a Low Temperature (LT) range, with all design work and manufacturing conducted in-house. From the rolling of the steel for the chamber, to the fabrication of the trays using our bespoke corner forming machine, to the electrical field wiring and controls testing – work is carried out on site in our Blenheim facility, under our robust quality framework accredited to ISO 9001.2015.

Installation and commissioning is carried out by Cuddon personnel so you can be assured of highly skilled and experienced individuals setting your freeze dryer to work, delivering training, and answering any machine related questions you may have. We are a ‘trusted pair of hands’ and can be relied upon to deliver your project.

Multiple dryers can be operated in cascade to enable high volume throughputs with complete quality control of batches, the ability to tailor the freeze dry recipes for multiple products being dried concurrently, and engineering redundancy. These factors decrease the commercial risk associated with your freeze dry operation.

There is a global move to replace synthetic refrigerant gases with more environmentally acceptable alternates, driven by the Montreal Protocol and updated by the Paris Agreement 2015. Legislation is being introduced in much of the world to limit the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of each gas to sub 100. R507, previously used in many freeze dryers, has a GWP of 3895.

CO2 is considered the most pragmatic and environmentally acceptable replacement of R507. As a naturally occurring gas, it has a global warming potential (GWP) of just ‘1’. Not just an environmental consideration but also a cost saving, CO2 will also signal a significant reduction in the cost of refrigerant moving forward.

The new range of Cuddon freeze dryers has been specifically designed, built and optimised for CO2 refrigerant; there will be no compromise on performance often associated with a drop-in alternate refrigerant. The range matches or exceeds the performance of the previous Cuddon R507 range.

CO2 as a refrigerant is well proven technology, particularly in the supermarket industry. As the technology has been in use commercially for some time, this switch is not considered high risk. The bulk of the Cuddon Freeze Dry design will remain unchanged. The installation is fully compliant with all known requirements, with appropriate relief valves and certification (noting that new regions of operation will require a degree of due diligence to ensure regional compliance needs are well understood). The control system has been re-designed to optimise the CO2 system and ensure the full functionality clients have come to expect from Cuddon freeze dryers.

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Product Picture FD100GPC Freeze Dryer
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FD100GPC Freeze Dryer

Product Picture FD600GPC Freeze Dryer
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FD600GPC Freeze Dryer



LLoyd Parks

VP Sales USA

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Blair Kibblewhite

Global sales

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Helen Ashworth

General Manager

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Linc Burgess

Sales Excutive

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CO2 refrigeration | Freeze dry manufacturers | Freeze dried Pet Food