Interzoo | Dolmilk Puppy

Hall 3 / Booth Number 3-209

Dolmilk Puppy

Key Facts

  • - Complementary feeding and covering of nutritional shortages in puppies
  • - Shortage of the mother's milk
  • - Covers the nutritional requirements of puppies of all breeds


  • Care, supplements

Key Facts

  • - Complementary feeding and covering of nutritional shortages in puppies
  • - Shortage of the mother's milk
  • - Covers the nutritional requirements of puppies of all breeds


  • Care, supplements
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Product information

Dolmilk Puppy contains ingredients in optimal amount and proportions. The protein is only of milk origin. Homogeneous fat in the form of microparticles is perfectly absorbed.The formula is enriched with vitamins, amino acids, macro and micronutrients as well as lactose on a safe level.Dolmilk Puppy completely covers nutritional needs of all breeds of puppies.

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