Hall 3 / Booth Number 3-336


Logo DVM srl

by DVM srl


  • Healthcare, supplements
  • Food, treats


  • Healthcare, supplements
  • Food, treats
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Product information

GastroCrisis is an innovative, effective, and functional pet food supplement that is easily administered to dogs and cats.

Thanks to its natural composition, it helps protect the gastric mucosa.

The algae contained in the GastroCrisis gel provides a coating effect on the gastric mucosa, while the polysaccharides naturally present in the algae help restore the gastric mucosa to balance.

GastroCrisis is a natural pet food supplement offering a practical solution to complement specific dietary nutrition regimes and enhance veterinary drugs. There is currently no similar product on the market that matches GastroCrisis in terms of formulation, use of natural raw materials, and effectiveness.

It is one of the most suggested and prescribed pet food supplements by Vets in Italy and is also available in most European markets.

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