Founded in 2018 by a group of passionate hobbyists, Fzone Studios has emerged as a pioneering force in the aquarium industry. Our unwavering commitment to excellence and continuous improvement has shaped our extensive range of freshwater and saltwater aquarium products, including aquariums, filtration systems, CO2 systems, ATO systems, fertilizers, and much more. Our manufacturing process is guided by meticulous attention to detail and innovation, ensuring that we provide affordable, high-quality products catering to both individual enthusiasts and businesses alike. With a large team of dedicated professionals, we are well-equipped to meet the diverse needs of our business-to-business (OEM) clients. Fzone Studios manages the entire process, from research, design, development, engineering, to logistics, offering a seamless experience for our clients. As we reflect on our journey, Fzone Studios remains dedicated to making the joy of aquarium keeping accessible to all, earning the trust and loyalty of a vibrant community that shares our passion for aquatics.