Interzoo | Insectmehl and oil from BSF for petfood

Hall 3A / Booth Number 3A-101

Insectmehl and oil from BSF for petfood

Key Facts

  • Insectmeal for petfood producer
  • Insectoil


  • Food, treats

Key Facts

  • Insectmeal for petfood producer
  • Insectoil


  • Food, treats
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Product information

Over 10,000 tonnes of insect meal are to be produced annually using by-products from the food industry.With an area of 22,000 square metres, the processing of 100 tonnes of larvae per day and an annual yield of more than 10,000 tonnes of insect meal, these figures characterise the newly built Enorm Biofactory in East Jutland, Denmark.The locally produced insect proteins have the potential to replace other currently imported protein sources. Insect meal can also replace highly digestible animal protein sources such as fishmeal and can therefore be used in animal production and the fishing industry. Using by-products from the food industry, Enorm Biofactory converts low-quality products into high-quality proteins. The ultimate goal is to integrate insects into food products.Both insect meal and insect oil, which have already shown promising results in test trials, are produced from the black soldier fly. These flies mate and lay eggs, which hatch into larvae. The larvae are mainly fed with by-products from the food industry. After about 12 days, the larvae are processed into oil and protein. When the factory is in full operation, it will produce 100 tonnes of larvae per day.Distribution via Vilofoss

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Product Expert


Angela Fritz

Animal nutritionist +49 5493 9870 769

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